S2 Ep18_Building a Home in the Current Market (Jason Dodson & Danielle Depot)

September 23, 2021

S2 Ep18_Building a Home in the Current Market (Jason Dodson & Danielle Depot)

Whether you are currently building a new home or looking to start that process soon, we know you have questions! Build timelines in the current market is a hot topic, so we bring you today's episode to make sure our listeners stay informed and in the loop. You'll hear from our guests Danielle Depot and Jason Dodson, Regional Vice Presidents of Sales and Construction, who join us to demystify the big questions around build time - "How long will it take to build my house?", "What things impact the build timeline?", "What's with all the delays?" and "Why are other homes being built quicker than mine? "

S2 Ep18_Building a Home in the Current Market (Jason Dodson & Danielle Depot).mp3
Intro: [00:00:03] Welcome Home, a podcast brought to you by John Houston Homes. Join hosts, Chelsi Frazier and Whitney Pryor, as they walk you through the exciting adventure of your home buying and building journey.

Whitney Pryor: [00:00:18] Thank you for joining us on today's episode of the Welcome Home Podcast. I've got Chelsi here with me. Today we've got some special guests that we've talked to in the past and are super excited to have back on to talk about some more construction related stuff. Chelsi, who do we have on today?

Chelsi Frazier: [00:00:37] Hey, we have got Daniel Depot and Jason Dodson on the show today. Both of them are Regional Vice Presidents of Sales and Construction. They're a wealth of knowledge on many, many subjects, but today we're focusing on build times in the current market. A very, very common question homebuilders are asking or people wanting to build homes are asking, is how long is it going to take to build a new house? That question has been a little harder to answer in the past year. Today we're going to talk about why that has been so hard to answer, what kinds of things impact that timeline, when the home finishes or delays and answer all of those questions. Welcome to the show, Danielle and Jason.

Danielle Depot: [00:01:23] Thank you, glad to be here!

Jason Dodson: [00:01:25] Yeah, thanks for having us.

Chelsi Frazier: [00:01:26] We talk to them on a daily basis, in person and weekly. We were like, "we got to get you guys on the show to talk about this topic that we're always talking about every week." I think just so many people want to know. There are things that I learn every week. "Oh, I had no idea that that would affect it." I think this will be great for our listeners today.

Danielle Depot: [00:01:44] Yeah, you nailed it Chelsi. Like you said, it is a loaded question and we get asked that question all the time on a daily basis. How long is it going to take to build my house? Typically, what we tell customers right now is it's going to take about eight to nine months for the entire process, and that could be plus or minus. You have to take it all with a grain of salt right now with all the things going on in our industry. When we say that, it takes into account the time it takes to execute your contract, go through our starts process, go through our permitting process and even during that starts process, there's a lot of different variables. It depends on what city you're building in. If you're building in the county, we can go a lot faster and not have to go through all the permitting process with some of the different municipalities that take a long time. For plan design, if we're making any kind of changes you would be going to the design center, so there are different things that can add up to take a little bit longer. Like I said, if you're buying in the county, we can go a little bit faster. It really just depends where you're buying, how many options you're adding to your home, things that you're changing that really affect the construction process when it comes to the actual construction of your home. Again, it depends on the size of the home, where we're building, how many custom features go into the house, et cetera. It depends on what your trade resources are in that particular area. If you're closer into the city, you may have a bigger trade base and more trades to pull from that are available. As you move further out into rural areas, there may be less trades to pull from, so it just really depends. There are a lot of different factors. 

Whitney Pryor: [00:03:22] Even time of year, right? It depends on the time of year that you're building to with weather.

Jason Dodson: [00:03:26] Yeah, kind of a good rule of thumb is in that timeline she gave, the first two months is for the the starts team and the contract. We're getting permits. During that time, you're not going to see a whole lot going on or you're actually going to see nothing going on out on the lot because everything's going on in the background. After that happens, we have those permits and everything, the next six to seven months is going to be that build time that you're going to see. The two main factors in there is it in a neighborhood where they are smaller lots or is it out on the acre lots. Typically, the acre lot houses that a little bit longer. There's a little bit more stuff going on in those and that's why those would be more closer to that seven months on the build times.

Whitney Pryor: [00:04:01] Mm hmm.

Danielle Depot: [00:04:01] Yeah, and really it depends on the time of year too, because weather can play a huge factor. If you're building in the Summer months, typically, we get a lot of bright, sunshiny days, and we could build a lot faster. When you get into the Winter months- October, November, December, it starts to rain a lot. It's colder and it takes a lot longer for things to dry out, so that can really hold us up as well.h

Chelsi Frazier: [00:04:22] I think that's good for people to know, that when you drive by and see dirt and a sign, that doesn't mean at that point, we could be eight to nine months out. It's maybe still being developed at that point. We put signage up pretty early, sometimes just saying, "hey, we're coming soon". That's good to know, especially on those more rural areas where you see this huge piece of land with a bunch of dirt moving and signs, that we may not be that close just yet.

Whitney Pryor: [00:04:47] Yeah, even for are coming soon communities, we might have signage out, but the developers still working on that development. They have to deal with some of the same factors that we do, right? They have to deal with weather and rain, so it can take nine months to a year to have a piece of land developed where we can actually come in and build on it too.

Jason Dodson: [00:05:08] Yeah, a lot of times you'll see out in the new neighborhoods, we'll actually put signage out. The streets will be paved and that may be 60 to 90 days before the developer actually gets what's called substantial completion in the subdivision. That substantial completion is what, we as a builder, are waiting on. That's our starting line for us to to be able to move forward and get going.

Chelsi Frazier: [00:05:29] All of those things just in a normal market, normal homebuilding industry, those are the things that factor into the timeline. What have we seen or what are some reasons we've seen some of those things take longer in the past year?

Jason Dodson: [00:05:43] I think a lot of it is, some of the main ones that have affected us that probably people don't know or see about and some of the things you do hear about. Everybody's aware of the lumber in the news and what's going on with it. A lot of it is supply and demand. Lumber, for instance, it was supply and demand there. Lumber prices skyrocketed. It was really hard to get certain things. As we spoke with customers on houses, they would inquire about how come my house is not moving as fast as the one next door, for instance. With that, some of the answers that we gave was, "your house is a two story." There are things like LVL's, which is engineered wood. Basically, it's glued together. That glue that's made, that resin that it's put together with, it wasn't to be had for a little while. There was a lot of that stuff that was on shortage. If your house needed LVL's, I joists and those types of things, it would take a lot longer than maybe one down the street that was a single story, that didn't have those things in it. Those were things that customers didn't know or could see. You don't see those things in the news, but they affected us greatly.

Whitney Pryor: [00:06:49] This little thing, right?

Jason Dodson: [00:06:50] Absolutely.

Whitney Pryor: [00:06:52] The things I think we hear ever, like the microchips and that caused a shortage of cars, but what they're not talking about is the fact that it caused a shortage of appliances. We had homes that had to wait on for appliances, right?

Danielle Depot: [00:07:06] Appliances, you name it. We've had lumber, like Jason mentioned. Brick is a big deal. Brick has been really in short supply. We're talking about waiting 16 to 20 weeks just from when you order your brick. Imagine this, you've gone to the design center right after you contract. As you're waiting for your house to get built, typically, we would have brick delivered when we're pouring a slab, just so we have it there on site and it's ready. Sometimes we're not getting it for almost 20 weeks, which is almost five months. I mean, you can almost build a house that quickly if everything goes according to plan and according to schedule. You can only go so far on a house on the interior until you have brick. You can brick the exterior, get the yard in, set your AC compressors and be able to acclimate the inside to do all your flooring and that kind of stuff. We'll go as far as we can on the outside, but the brick has been a major, major issue for us. There's just only so many suppliers and brick takes a while to manufacture. A part of the bricking issue is the trucking industry. You've heard that the trucking industry is affecting everybody, not just home building materials, but materials in general across the U.S. It's just the lack of truckers out there has been a big deal, and that's what is really affecting the brick.

Whitney Pryor: [00:08:26] We can do what we can on our end to try to to shorten that time, right? If we know brick is taking that long, we can order it as soon as we have that information but, we still are dealing with delays even doing that.

Jason Dodson: [00:08:42] A few things that we actually did to try to take care of our customers better was, we started not waiting until the customer went to the design center to pick their brick. One of our design center designers would call the customer up front before they even came in and they would do brick selections with them ,still doing that, actually. We would order it before the customer actually came in for their design center appointment, just so we could get a jumpstart on that. That's something internally that we try to do to take care of our customers, as best as we can, to get that brick on site, so that they're not waiting. We're not waiting to get it built on their house, but they're not waiting and asking questions of why is my house slowed down?

Whitney Pryor: [00:09:17] Yeah, the alternative really is either they wait for their home to be built, deal with the delay or they would have to re select a brick they might not not like as much, right? We still have to do that, but if we're changing our processes to help alleviate that with our customers. I think that says a lot about that Second Mile Service, that we're willing to go to to try to make our customers happy.

Jason Dodson: [00:09:41] Absolutely.

Chelsi Frazier: [00:09:43] I had no idea about the truckers, that's kind of new news to me. That kind of speaks into just the labor shortage in general, in the workforce all over. Are we seeing some labor shortages on our subcontractors?

Danielle Depot: [00:09:57] Absolutely.

Jason Dodson: [00:09:58] Everywhere.

Danielle Depot: [00:09:59] Yeah, the labor force has been hit hard. It's been an ongoing issue since the market crash and the come back after 2008, the labor force has never come back completely. We're starting to get up to those record highs again of how many houses are started in the DFW area. That labor market has just never come back completely, so there's just a shortage of all those skilled laborers. I'm talking about Brick Masons, Framers, Sheetrock Crews and Concrete People. It's tough everywhere and there's only so much to go around. Every builder and everybody out there is just super busy. There's just only so much supply to go around right now.

Jason Dodson: [00:10:42] For the builders, it's tough. We actually use a scheduling software called Hyphen. It schedules the entire house out, but they're specifically scheduling for a window around where they're at right now. If that labor trade doesn't show up that morning, a lot of times the builders don't know until the day of when they don't show. Then they've got to reschedule their entire schedule for that house after that. Right now, it's this game of playing reschedule every single day for these builders. It's a lot more work for them than it's been in the past.

Whitney Pryor: [00:11:12] Keeping the train on the tracks.

Jason Dodson: [00:11:13] Yes, for sure.

Danielle Depot: [00:11:13] Yeah, I'm telling our guys, you've got to be living in your Hyphen schedules because things are changing daily. They're changing hourly. If you think a trade is showing up this afternoon and they no-show, you've got to get back into your Hyphen schedule and reset the entire schedule. That's really been tough on our guys, right now. We're working through it. We're finding new and innovative, creative ways to work around the schedule. Sometimes, we may not do things exactly in order as you would think that would happen, but we're just working around things right now. We are trying to deliver our houses with excellence and on time the best that we can.

Jason Dodson: [00:11:56] I think one thing to do is ,you need to look at the trade side of things to to make sure you fully understand everything. They're dealing with material shortages, not enough workers, COVID and everything that they're dealing with on that. A lot of times, they don't know until that day that they can't show up. They didn't get the material, somebody got sick or whatever the case may be. On their side of it, it's life also. We're all just living life together. We're trying to do a great job building a house for our customers. They're trying to do a great job of supplying their trade to us as part of that house to get it built, but sometimes it just doesn't work out like anybody intends it to.

Chelsi Frazier: [00:12:35] Right.

Danielle Depot: [00:12:36] You just hit on something, Jason, talking about how COVID has directly impacted us and the supply chain. Think about these factories like a window factory, for instance. We've had our window company, they've been struck with COVID outbreaks multiple times, and they're shutting down their assembly lines and their their plants for several days at a time. That has a huge, huge impact on our whole industry when those assembly plants shut down.

Whitney Pryor: [00:13:00] Yeah, for sure, because that one, I'm sure, is indoors in a factory, so they've got all sorts of compliance things that they've got to do to keep that from happening.

Chelsi Frazier: [00:13:09] Then we had the crazy freeze and then all the rain this year, too. We've just had a heck of a year with all these things going on.

Whitney Pryor: [00:13:17] We thought this year was going to be better, right?

Jason Dodson: [00:13:21] We were all ready to get out of 2020 and move on to the new year. This year has brought its season of challenges, as well. Snowmageddon was something that we didn't know what was coming and we hadn't experienced something like that before to that extent. It hit everybody pretty hard.

Danielle Depot: [00:13:43] It really did, but we got through it. We are going to persevere and get through it. That did throw a wrench in our productivity for a little bit, but we're back.

Whitney Pryor: [00:13:54] Everyone knows about the lumber increases, but you don't understand sometimes the effect that that can have, not just on prices and availability, but also you think of theft, like that's a real thing that happens. When I think of theft, I think of someone stealing money or cars. I definitely don't think of someone taking a 2 by 4 and throwing it in the back of their truck, but that's a real thing and it's happened. We've had to kind of adjust on that. Also, how we deliver the lumber, how that is scheduled out and delivered. If it happens, the delays that come with that, so that's also another thing that we've had to deal with, as far as, things that take time and kind of mess with our schedules.

Jason Dodson: [00:14:44] Yeah, in talking before, we talked a little bit about the I Joists, the LDL's, that composite - the woods that are manufactured. If you think about it, OSB, which is the decking that we use on the houses, on the roofs, it's a composite as well. It's an engineered wood product. It shot up from, probably three years ago, you could get it for $12 a sheet. I remember not too long ago it was $7 a sheet. You could go to Home Depot and buy it. Well, that shot up to $56 a sheet. A typical house will take anywhere from 175 to 200 sheets. You're talking about, $10,000 to $12,000 decking packages that get dropped out in front of the house because a lot of times we can't access the back of the house in the neighborhoods. It's sitting on the curb, $10,000. That stuff was like gold. It was very easy for somebody to pull up and take that material. If it's that hard to get and somebody takes it, that second time around wasn't very easy for us to get that material back out on the job site. As we're talking about things that affected us, we had materials stolen off of job sites, not just once, sometimes twice before we ever got to deck the house. We are trying to do a better job or not a better job, but trying to be a little bit more precise about when we do those deliveries, so we're not leaving it sitting out there for long periods of time. A lot of times we would still get it stolen, even though we were taking precautions to not let that happen. People are in the neighborhoods and they're watching. Thieves do a very good job at what they do. It made us step up our game and try to figure out how we can keep them from stealing it. We put up cameras in the neighborhoods. We actually had a task force with the police departments in the cities. They would do drive arounds in the neighborhoods. Danielle, I and the other builders, we all had text threads. We were watching out for each other. There were things going on in the background and we actually caught quite a few people stealing that stuff. We limited that down as much as possible, but it was still affecting us greatly.

Whitney Pryor: [00:16:45] That's crazy, just things you never think of. 

Chelsi Frazier: [00:16:48] Right, something that all these years you could have delivered and never would have to think twice about. Then all of a sudden, this crazy shift in the market and we kind of just having to rethink everything.

Danielle Depot: [00:16:57] You know when you see OSB for sale on Facebook Marketplace, that there's a problem.

Whitney Pryor: [00:17:02] Yeah!

Jason Dodson: [00:17:03] For sure.

Chelsi Frazier: [00:17:05] We might need to be on the lookout for it and scoop some up.

Whitney Pryor: [00:17:08] Start bringing it to the Pawn Shop.

Jason Dodson: [00:17:10] We'll get you on camera.

Whitney Pryor: [00:17:13] Yeah.

Chelsi Frazier: [00:17:15] Sometimes I hear the question come up, because I get to office with Whitney, and people ask things. I get to hear all the fun questions like, "I started building my house at the same time as this guy down the street. His is way ahead of mine. Why is it moving faster?" What are some things that affect that, or why do we see that happening sometimes?

Chelsi Frazier: [00:17:37] I think a lot of it has to do with different selections that go into a home. You might pick a particular tile that takes 10 weeks to order and your neighbor picks something that only takes a week to order. A lot of it has to do with the individual selections that go into the home. I think Jason mentioned earlier, there's a big difference between building a one story and a two story and that availability for product, especially the issues we've had with engineered wood product having to wait, which those two stories take a lot of those materials. That has a major impact on it. The size- one or two story and specific selections, those are the things that make the huge impact.

Jason Dodson: [00:18:18] We saw this with window packages and the vendor that we were getting those from. Sometimes we would get window packages for certain houses and even though they might have been ordered around the same time of each other, because of the different number of windows or just because of the way the company fulfilled the orders, one would get the window package earlier than another. We might have to wait a week or two weeks longer on a window package. It's things like that on the trade side of things. Sometimes they don't ship those out exactly as they're ordered. They've got things on their side I'm sure that are happening that affects those, as well.

Danielle Depot: [00:18:52] What we try to explain to customers to is you have to remember we're like a general contractor. We use a lot of subcontractors and some of those things we don't have exact control over. I don't know how they input orders into their inventory system and the way their stuff comes out. You'd like to think it was first in, first out, but it doesn't always happen that way and some of that stuff we have very little control over.

Chelsi Frazier: [00:19:16] Yeah, that makes sense, just things that you don't see or think about from the outside. You're just driving by looking at your house and you see they stayed the same progress for so long, and then one jumps in front of the other.

Whitney Pryor: [00:19:28] Yeah, I think weather can affect it, too. If you think about, early on, if it hasn't rained for a while and one house got plumbing rough or inspection before the other, and then it rained the next day, they would have to wait another week for an inspection on the other house. Just that alone, will cause delays that you don't really think about. I think there's a lot of little things that add up.

Danielle Depot: [00:19:54] Yeah, that's true. You may have a subdivision across town. Your friends building a house in that subdivision and things are moving a lot faster, but you had weather conditions. A lot of that has to do with the different types of soil that we're building on. You might have one area that's really rocky that dries out super quick. You may have a heavy rainstorm one day and then the next day you can get on it because it just dries out so quickly. Then you have another neighborhood down the street that's the highly expansive clay soil that just stays wet forever, and it may take a week to dry out. Weather and your soil conditions really play a part in that as well. 

Chelsi Frazier: [00:20:30] Even though it's not actively raining, doesn't mean we can get right back out the next day.

Jason Dodson: [00:20:35] We've even seen city municipalities that only have so many inspectors to be able to do so many inspections. That causes a delay as well in itself, and it moves that schedule around.

Danielle Depot: [00:20:47] Yeah, we have a couple of municipalities that we're in right now that have rolling inspections. If they can't get to it that day, it rolls to the next day. That's really been a challenge, as well.

Whitney Pryor: [00:20:58] Yeah, there's inspectors that won't come out if they see anyone on the job site because of COVID, right? That is another kind of regulation or rule change there on their end to that kind of messes with things sometimes.

Chelsi Frazier: [00:21:11] We get asked a lot, what can cause a closing date to change? We think we're going to close on Wednesday, the 15th and then that gets bumped. What are some of those factors?

Danielle Depot: [00:21:25] I know for me in my area, it's one of the things we just talked about, waiting for final inspections. Obviously, you have to have a certificate of occupancy, what we call a CO, to be able to close on your home. That's really your final inspection with the city. If the city says, "well, too bad, we're not showing up today, we don't have enough people on our staff and we have too many inspections," so your inspections role, that can really offset things and cause your closing to delay a day or two. Vendors not showing up when they're supposed to do last minute, final things on your house has been a major impact right now, as well.

Jason Dodson: [00:22:01] Yeah, I think the thing that is important to know is that on our side of it, we don't want those delays in closing that house either. For us, the actual business side of it is, we don't get paid until that closing happens either. For everybody that's working on that house, we're pushing them to hit the dates that we've given the customers and that we've given the lenders. We want all that to work out. From the customer side of things, we know that they've set up moving trucks, utilities, their rent wherever they're they're living at right now. They've probably given up a lease or whatever, so there's a lot of things riding on those closing dates that we give. It's a really hard thing for us to do to have to to move a closing as well because there's a whole lot of work. There is documentation that has to be redone and whatever the customer has with those things that they've set up. We know those things are are not good, so on our side of it, we're pushing and we're trying to get those closings to happen when they're supposed to, as well. It's just not advantageous for anybody. I think the important thing to remember is these homes, they're built by people and things happen. It's not ideal for anyone for foreclosing to get moved. It's definitely not and t's not what we want either.

Danielle Depot: [00:23:18] We understand, our customers have a huge emotional, financial investment in these homes and we understand it's a big deal. I think everybody here at this table has bought multiple houses and moved multiple times. We know it's not fun to do all the packing and scheduling of moving. There's just a lot of organization that goes into planning a move. It's a very stressful time, so we get it, but it's never intentional for us to want to move a closing in any way. We want that home to be 100% complete, clean and to your satisfaction before you ever move in on that house. We've got to have certain things that are done and finish on a house before we allow you to close on it. 

Chelsi Frazier: [00:24:05] I think it's important for people to know that there's a lot of things that we can control, but a lot of things that we can't. To Jason's point, we're all human. I think just the world in general, just have a little bit more patience with each other, just everywhere. You know, you go to a restaurant and you're like, "why is it taking so long?" Well, there's just not that many people working. Be nice to the people that are there working hard. It's not their fault that somebody else didn't show up today. I just think with home building and the economy as a whole, we could all do a little bit better with that understanding, for sure.

Whitney Pryor: [00:24:37] Yeah, that's a great point. I think everyone out there that's listening in has been affected in some way with their own positions or jobs and understand that whole industries are changing or adapting to what what has happened. Homebuilding is such a human business, right? It's the only business where you're building something with your with your hands, literally. It takes a lot of, I think, empathy and understanding that when you have that many humans working together to build something that things have to change, right?

Chelsi Frazier: [00:25:13] Yeah, for sure. Is there anything else that you think people should know and consider when building a home? Anything we didn't talk about, cover or just kind of reiterate?

Jason Dodson: [00:25:24] I think an important thing right now is, people need to know that even though you see things like lumber coming down, there's vendors walking into our office up there daily that they're asking for price increases. Those things are still on the move, even though some of the things that we see in the news, like lumber, those things are moving down and kind of getting to a normal area. I think the important thing right now is as demand is still high for homes, inventory is still very low and existing houses out there. People still have in the back of their minds, the COVID and existing house, that type stuff, that inventory is extremely low. I think it's important to know that as houses become available, those are things that you need to move quickly on. As you see those come up on our website and they become available, go take a look at them. If a home is what you're interested in right now, you're going to get the best money ever for your existing home. It's possible to get into that new home, but you got to move quickly on those new homes as they become available. The thing that's going to affect us in the future ongoing, lot supply. For builders, lot supply is huge right now because again, you've got people doing the work out in the subdivisions. It's raw land. They're making it into lots. Well, it's moving a lot slower, just like the home building process is, so lots are coming on a whole lot slower than they ever have. A lot of builders that were smaller that only had fewer number of lots, they've moved through all their lots and they don't have anymore. A larger builder like us, we have a Development Company. We go out and we develop our own lots. We've got that future out ahead of us that we've planned for and we've still got those coming on. It's still important to know that demand is high, so getting in those homes as they become available on the the website and getting with those salespeople right now, it's more important than ever.

Whitney Pryor: [00:27:13] The price we're only going to see increase over time, probably. It is important the sooner that you contract, the sooner you can lock in that price. That brings up another good point of the fact that we don't have escalation clauses in our contracts. I know we get that question a lot. Do you want to do you want to kind of touch on that?

Danielle Depot: [00:27:34] A lot of you have probably seen in the news that was going on for a while. There are builders out there that have an escalation clause in their actual contract that when they contract with the customer that says, "hey, if our costs go up, we have the right to raise our prices." At John Houston, we don't do that to our customers. We really assume all the risk when we say we're going to build a home for you. If costs go up $50,000, $100,000 during construction, that's on us and that's the risk that we take. We don't feel like it's fair to to do that to our customers. I know if I were buying a home, I would not feel comfortable signing something that had some type of escalator clause on it. I think that's an advantage to buy with us. Jason mentioned the limited supply out there. Right now, it's just supply and demand. One thing I'll point on to, it's never been a better time to buy. Interest rates are still phenomenally low. You can still buy a lot. This whole entire DFW market has been undervalued for so long. Everybody's like, "well, houses have gotten so expensive." They've really gotten to where they need to be as far as the marketplace goes.

Chelsi Frazier: [00:28:40] Thant's a good point.

Danielle Depot: [00:28:41] You've got so many companies that are coming to DFW. The job growth here is phenomenal. We're just adding more and more jobs every day, and that's why there's such a big demand on the housing market here. Most of the economists out there view that to remain strong over the next 10, 15, 20 years, so it's going to be a great market to be in. There's really not been a better time to buy. Jason mentioned you get top dollar for your home that you are selling now. You may be buying a little higher, but those interest rates are still so great.

Whitney Pryor: [00:29:14] Mm hmm. Yeah, definitely.

Chelsi Frazier: [00:29:16] All good things! Thank you, Jason and Danielle. Thank you so much for joining us on the show and your wealth of information. I'm sure we'll have yall back because we always have so many questions for you.

Danielle Depot: [00:29:29] Thank you for having us.

Jason Dodson: [00:29:30] It's always a great time.

Whitney Pryor: [00:29:32] If you want more information about anything that we talked about today, you can visit our website at jhoustonhomes.com or feel free to give us a call at 866.298.1416. You can also join the conversation on social media. We do have a Facebook page and Instagram where you can view all of our beautiful homes. Thank you for listening in today. We look forward to having you on another episode of the Welcome Home podcast.

Chelsi Frazier and Whitney Pryor: [00:30:02] Welcome Home.
January 21, 2025
When it comes to finding the perfect home in Grandview, Texas, John Houston Homes stands out as a trusted name synonymous with quality, craftsmanship, and customer satisfaction. As a premier home builder in the area, we take pride in our commitment to creating exceptional living spaces tailored to meet the unique needs of every homeowner. 
January 10, 2025
Customization, Quality, and No Construction Loan Needed
December 5, 2024
Creating Your Perfect Outdoor Winter Area: A Cozy Oasis in the Cold
November 4, 2024
Tips for Crafting a Functional and Stylish Kitchen in Your New Home
October 21, 2024
Innovative Ideas and Practical Tips for Organizing Every Corner
October 14, 2024
Practical Tips for Reducing Stress and Settling In with Ease
October 3, 2024
Prepare your Texas home for cooler weather with these essential fall home maintenance tips. From roof inspections and gutter cleaning to HVAC maintenance and energy efficiency, keep your home in top shape this fall and winter.
October 2, 2024
Navigate the financial landscape and ensure your dream home aligns with your vision and budget. 
By Marketing JHouston September 20, 2024
Not sure what the difference is between a custom home vs. production home? Find out what you need to know to make the right choice for your move.
Tips on Building a New House in Texas | New Construction Home Process
By Marketing JHouston September 12, 2024
Building a new home is an exciting journey, because it gives you the freedom to start from scratch. Create your vision and the best of community living with a trusted new construction Texas homebuilder. The process in new home construction is one that involves many important decisions. From choosing the right design or layout, to understanding the building process – every step requires careful consideration. At John Houston Homes, we aim to make this journey as seamless and enjoyable as possible. If you’re aiming to make Texas living a reality, we can help transform your dream of homeownership into a welcomed reality.
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