Warranty Request

John Houston Homes Warranty Requests Page

We are committed to delivering a quick and easy warranty experience for all homeowners.  JHH proudly partners with Hyphen Solutions to provide your own “Homeowner Portal” when submitting warranty requests. If you have recently closed or are utilizing warranty for the first time, please complete the “Request Access To Homeowner Portal” located below. For all others, please login into your homeowner portal through the button below.

To further assist you along your new home journey, please save the Warranty Manual. This manual will provide guidance through the process of opening a warranty ticket, should you need to. We ask that you familiarize yourself with the warranty manual as it also clarifies what is a warrantable item and what is homeowner maintenance. Only the warrantable items documented within the manual will be eligible for repair. Should you have further questions regarding your home warranty and/or the process of submitting a ticket, give us a call. We are here and happy to help, and our team looks forward to serving you and your family!

Day Time Office Hours: 866-215-8450, Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.  

After-Hour Non-Emergency Response: All after-hour non-emergency calls will be returned within one business day. (Example, Thursday night call returned on Friday; Friday night call returned on Monday)


After-Hour  Emergency Response: If you are experiencing an “Emergency,” please contact us immediately. The most common emergencies are air conditioning or plumbing leaks. To help mitigate damage, JHH is providing the following approved trades to contact immediately. Please let the business know you are a JHH homeowner.



  • Plumbing – J.S. Plumbing – 972-288-9238
  • HVAC Goodman & Trane Units : Texas Ace at 817-240-6701
  • HVAC Armstrong Units: Johnson Supply at 214-729-2125 (Homes Closed 1/1/2011 – 6/30/2020)
  • Hours of Operation are Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  • After hours, send an email to jatkinson@johnsonsupply.com, and include: name, address, contact number, close date, and description of the issue.


Ticket Response & Home Access:

  • A JHH Warranty Representative will contact you after placing a warranty ticket. After five business days, all unanswered or unreturned JHH phone calls will result in closing your warranty ticket. You will be asked to place a new warranty ticket when a time is more convenient for your schedule. 
  • A JHH Warranty Representative will need access to your home within five business days after you and a JHH Warranty Representative have spoken with each other to properly inspect and determine if the issue is warrantable for repair. Unavailability will result in the closing of your warranty ticket. You will be asked to place a new warranty ticket when your home is available for proper inspection. 


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